Merseyside Branch – December 2023

James KnowlesBranch News

December 2023 Our December 2023 meeting was a superb evening given by our own Branch Chairman John Luxton. He showed us some nostalgic British Transport DVD Films from the 1950’s era. Firstly we watched the activities of the Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. trading out of Tilbury Felixstowe and Preston featuring ferries such as the Empire Cedric, Bardic Ferry and Ionic …

Haven Ports Branch AGM 2023

James KnowlesBranch News

November 2023 The branch held its AGM on 9th November at the Seafarers centre, Felixstowe Dock.Apologies were given by Graham Dines and David Hazell, with eight members attending the AGM.Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports, with the branch still being very solventfinancially. With their being no nominations the current officers agreed to serve for another year, and werevoted into …

Isle Of Wight Branch News November 2023

James KnowlesBranch News

November 2023 The Branch’s presentation on 23 November last was David Williams’  ‘Rivalry on the Atlantic’ . Dave introduced the race for the fastest North Atlantic  crossing,  aka The Blue Riband, early in the twentieth century with the rivalry between four German liners through to 1969, the end of the reign of the last ‘genuine’ holder, the United States.  He …

November 2023 Merseyside Branch

James KnowlesBranch News

November 2023 Our November 2023 was a very interesting evening given by Andy Freeman of the Wallasey Yacht Club which was titled ‘10 Years of Sailing around the World from little yachts to big yachts’. Andy told us he started sailing dinghies when he was about 6 which led him eventually to sail on the Ocean Youth Club ketch, Francis Drake …

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Merseyside Branch September 2023

James KnowlesBranch News, News

September 2023  For our new season on Tuesday 12th September 2023 we welcomed Malcolm McRonald, Vice Chairman of the Friends of the Ferries Association who gave us two magnificent presentations. The first was entitled ‘What a difference a funnel makes’. Malcolm showed us images of various vessels starting with 5 funnels working down to 1 funnel and eventually none at all. …