Merseyside – August 2024

JamesBranch News

August 2024 It was with great that we welcomed our own branch member Philip Welsh to our August 2024 meeting. Philip’s presentation was yet another of many he has gave in the past about the Cammell Laird Shipbuilders at Birkenhead. This time he talked about the 1964 to 1977 era. Both Phil’s commentary and fantastic slides were of very high …

Haven Ports – August 2024

JamesBranch News

August 2024 Our what is now annual summer event happened on Sunday 11th August. Members and guests met at “The Shipwreck” from Noon onwards, at a social gathering. Liaison officer for local transport societies Martyn Hunt attended and we welcomed Peter and Christine Ives from East Kent branch, whose yacht was stabled in the nearby Marina. They brought along their …

Bedford – August 2024

JamesBranch News

August 2024 For our August meeting Alan Moorhouse gave his latest presentation Voyagers across the Seas a selection of 90 ships seen in European and North American seas and ports. Vessels seen, in crisp images, included a wide variety of ships   from  Tugs  to Tankers with many of his main interest Cruise Ships. Included in the show were images taken …

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JamesBranch News, News

DORSET BRANCH ONLINE PRESENTATIONS 2024/25WSS Dorset Branch send best wishes to all members. We broadcast our speakers and their presentations via Zoom – so you could enjoy all of our events programme in addition to your local branch meetings. The attached pdf outlines our September 2024 to May 2025 programme, to view it click this link Dorset Zoom Meetings 2024/25

Isle of Wight – August 2024

JamesBranch News

August 2024 The Branch meeting for 22 August was a  presentation by Dr Noel Stimson about the Bembridge Royal Naval Air Station. With rare and unseen photographs takes from glass negatives by a pilot serving there, Noel gave a thoroughly researched narrative on the Air station which was sited there from 1914 to 1918. He featured some of the float …

Bedford Branch Notes – July 2024

JamesBranch News

July 2024 Recovering from health issues by the sea Jim Charnock  was unable to make his annual visit to Bedford in July. His place was taken by Alan Moorhouse who up to his teens  lived at Timperley within walking distance of Jim. They both enjoyed viewing ships on the Manchester Ship Canal at  the same area but never meet in …

Merseyside Branch July 2024

JamesBranch News

July 2024 Tuesday 9th July 2024 brought our Branch AGM hosted by our current Chairman John Luxton. The current Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were all elected to stand for another season as was existing committee member Stan McFerran. Geoff Holmes has had to retire this year from the committee and we thank him for his past service After the …

Haven Ports June 2024

JamesBranch News

June 2024 We met for the second time at our new venue of Felixstowe Museum, our allocated room is cosy and informal. Derek Sands presented a show based on a dock cruise of Antwerp from May 2006. This was appreciated by a small audience.  Our next meeting will be in August and will be an informal gathering at “The Shipwreck”, Shotley …

Merseyside Branch June 2024

JamesBranch News

June 2024 Our own Branch Chairman John Luxton gave us an excellent presentation for our June 2024 meeting. It was another of John’s Maritime Infrastructures talks, this time it was entitled Ports of Cornwall Part 1. He began by talking about Looe which has been featured on the television lately doubling up as Shipton Abbott in the Beyond Paradise programme. …

Torbay – June 2024

JamesBranch News

In June we enjoyed a selection of photos presented by Tom Walker showing views of ships in Teignmouth taken by his father Gordon Walker in the 1950s. Tom has researched the histories of the ships extensively, and talked about how the work of the port weaved into the life of the town. A very entertaining talk, with annecdotes and excellent …