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Cruise Ship Locations 20th June 2021

James KnowlesNews

Please find a list of cruise ships locations currently as of June 20th, 2021. The link is here (You need to be logged in as a member to view this information)

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Marine News (June 2021)

James KnowlesNews

Marine News – Journal of The World Ship Society Vol 75 No.6 (June 2021) All news from around the world Merchant Ships, Ship Building, and Ports. This edition is 64 Pages long with some cracking photos as always. Members should find the Digital edition in their mailboxes already.  Not a member ? Find out how to join here.

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Cruise Ship Locations 13th June 2021

James KnowlesNews

Please find a list of cruise ships locations currently as of June 13th, 2021. The link is here (You need to be logged in as a member to view this information)

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Dr Ian Buxton MBE

James KnowlesNews

The WSS Council were delighted to learn that Ian Buxton, a long standing Vice President ofthe Society and former President, was awarded the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday HonoursList. The citation in the London Gazette dated 11th June 2021 was as follows: Dr. Ian Lyon Buxton. For services to the Preservation of British Maritime History and to thecommunity in Tynemouth, Tyne and …