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Cruise Ship Locations (31st October 2022)

James KnowlesNews

Please find a list of cruise ship locations as of 31st October 2022; a big thank you to Mike Pryce. The link is here (You need to be logged in as a member to view this information)

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Colin and Helen Wilkinson

James KnowlesNews

It is with great regret that the Isle of Wight Branch Branch Committee announce the very sad passing of our esteemed member, Helen Wilkinson. We understand that Helen died in St Mary’s hospital on 31st October from complications only discovered while being assessed for an operation on her knee. Helen’s passing will be especially difficult for Members, who only heard …

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Frank Purser

James KnowlesNews

Manchester Branch member Frank Purser passed away suddenly on Sunday 18th September 2022. It was a great shock to all his family friends and fellow branch members as he attended the Manchester Branch meetings only 3 days earlier. Frank was well known in Maritime circles and was also a member of the Coastal Cruising Association and Friends of the Ferries Society at Liverpool. He was very …