Merseyside Branch – December 2023

James KnowlesBranch News

December 2023

Our December 2023 meeting was a superb evening given by our own Branch Chairman John Luxton. He showed us some nostalgic British Transport DVD Films from the 1950’s era. Firstly we watched the activities of the Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. trading out of Tilbury Felixstowe and Preston featuring ferries such as the Empire Cedric, Bardic Ferry and Ionic Ferry. Then we watched a film called Ocean Terminal featuring the Port of Southampton. Examples of shipping we saw were the first Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh Castle, Mauretania, Andes and tug Calshot, all very entertaining. After the interval we watched ferries working out of Dover such as Lord Warden sailing to Boulogne and Norfolk Ferry from Harwich to Zeebrugge. Finally we were treated to wonderful scenes of the River Clyde showing lots of the old ferries and Ports that we know so well. Thank you very much John, it was very interesting looking back all those years ago.