Haven Ports Branch AGM 2023

James KnowlesBranch News

November 2023

The branch held its AGM on 9th November at the Seafarers centre, Felixstowe Dock.
Apologies were given by Graham Dines and David Hazell, with eight members attending the AGM.
Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports, with the branch still being very solvent

With their being no nominations the current officers agreed to serve for another year, and were
voted into office unanimously.

Chairman Ron Davies, Secretary Derek Sands, Treasurer and Vice Chair, David Pomroy.
Committee Steve Thomas (Zoom) and Neil Davidson (Newsletter Editor).

After a long discussion regarding the branches future, with small attendances and ageing
membership to the fore. It was decided that the branch would continue to meet with a much reduced

There will be no meetings in January, March, May, July October or December.
Zoom meetings will be held in February and September. Physical meetings will be held at the
Felixstowe Museum, Veiwpoint Road in April, June and November (AGM) and a social gathering at
The Shipwreck Pub, Shotley Marina in August. It is anticipated that due to changes at the Seafarers
Centre, our current venue will become unavailable in the New Year.

After the AGM Mick Warrick and Derek Sands showed some colour slides.

A program will be produced in the near future.