Meets: Kempston Constitutional Club, 196A Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8BL, (located 100 yards from Sainsburys store toward Bedford), on the 3rd Thursday of each month, at 19:30 for 20:00 start. EXCEPT DECEMBER (see below)
Contact: David Menzies, 149 Spring Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8NR. Tel: 01234 352014.
On the Horizon: our forthcoming Bedford & District Branch meetings
Branch Notes
January 2025
Bedford kicked off 2025 programme with two films from Dave Menzies’ collection both filmed in Liverpool and Birkenhead. The films seen were Mersey Memories No1 and Snowbow Great Liners No 26. Both films looking at sailings from Liverpool. Reviewing the ships providing these services from companies such as Cunard Lines, Cunard White Star Lines, Pacific Steam Navigation as well as White Star Lines. Many well-known liners were seen in the films. Also featured was the raising of EMPRESS OF CANADA Gladstone Dock (1954) after she capsized during efforts to put out a disastrous fire. Several launchings were seen from Cammell Laird notably the second MAURENTANIA (1938) , HMS ARK ROYAL (1950) and WINDSOR CASTLE (1958)
For our December meeting, Member Alan Pepper presented pictures recently scanned from his family collection.
Starting with a visit to New York to see the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Centre in 1980, from which views of the Hudson and East Rivers were seen and where the liners DORIC and OCEANIC were identified by our experienced audience.
There followed pictures of the Solent in 1989, Thames in 1993, St Lucia, Barbados and Jamaica in 1995 to 1997 and finally cruises on the LEGEND and SPLENDOUR of the SEAS in 2000/1.
An update on last year’s presentation about the Atlantic voyages of Christopher Columbus preceded the main show.
The usual enthusiastic input from the audience made it an enjoyable evening for the presenter.
Bedford welcomed Bill Mayes back for our November meeting with his latest presentation on his travels undertaken in 2023. Time on the water covered ferries and cruise ships, covering journeys on the North Sea, Western Mediterranean and Atlantic. Cruise Ships travelled on were AURORA, WORLD EUROPA, RESILANT LADY , MSC EXPLORA I and SPIRIT OF DISCOVERY plus numerous ferries. An interesting part of the presentation was travelling along the Göta Canal, Sweden which has 58 locks that can accommodate vessels up to 30 metres long and is 120 miles long. The presentation was illustrated with images of exteriors and interiors of the vessels with ample sprinkling of images of the food on offer also the many ships seen in travels were included. Many thanks Bill.
October 2024
The October presentation by Don McKeand started with a brief look at the ships used in the earliest days of Antarctic exploration by Cook and James Clark Ross. Then the advent of steam with ships used by Scott, Shackleton, Amundsen and other explorers of the “heroic age”. Between the wars the need for sail assistance declined. Ships were increasingly used to transport the aircraft then being used with an assortment of vessels, some more suitable than others depending on the budget available. Finally, the ships used post-war and up to the present day with specially built research vessels of many nations and the Royal Navy ice patrol vessels. A well-researched presentation with over 50 vessels being mentioned. The presentation was augmented with an excellent selection of Don’s scratch-built model of ships many of which were vessels mentioned in the presentation. These were on display during the meeting for all to enjoy and marvel at the skill in their manufacture.
The September presentation given by member Edward Parry was somewhat different to the normal detailed ship reviews – it was a selection of video clips which covered many aspects of the merchant navy from years ago port ports from around the world.. In brief these included
•Liverpool Sea School training cadets in 1964(Blue Funnel line)
•OCL Containership Ships – Liverpool Bay class ships on passage around the world
•London – Thames & Royal docks visit from Tower Bridge
•Blue Funnel Memories – from 60 – 70 – 80 tracing the progress of Capt. Mike Harrison from Middy to Captain and the ships he sailed on
•Building a Type 45 Destroyer D33 – HMS Dauntless
•Singapore Port – it’s development from the beginning up to the 1950’s
•A view of Liverpool docks from the mid-19th century up to the 1950’s
The second half of the evening was a review of a 2308 mile road trip undertaken by Edward and his wife in 2023 to northern Spain(Picos mountains) staying in some wonderful state owned Paradours , then driving over the Pyrenees mountains and back up through France . We sailed on Brittany Ferries MV GALCIA from Portsmouth to Bilboa (Biscay was flat calm all the way) and returned from Saint Malo back to Portsmouth on BRETAGNE. A great “bucket list” trip..
July 2024
Recovering from health issues by the sea Jim Charnock was unable to make his annual visit to Bedford in July. His place was taken by Alan Moorhouse who up to his teens lived at Timperley within walking distance of Jim. They both enjoyed viewing ships on the Manchester Ship Canal at the same area but never meet in this period, not meeting until 1995 when Alan visited the Manchester branch. Alan structured his presentation on views of shipping they would have both seen on the canal in period of the 1970’s. Many thanks for Alan for stepping in for Jim and best wishes to Jim from Bedford for continued improvement in his health.
May 2024
Michael Galley gave an insight into the world of international shipbreaking at his presentation for the May meeting. Staring with an overview of the history world shipbreaking then concentration on the main sites currently breaking up ships. In India and Pakistan ships are run ashore on gently sloping sand tidal beaches at high tide so that they can be accessed for disassembly with it seems little thought to contamination to the environment. The dangers of process were illustrated by excellent photos. The one photo I still have in my mind was an Indian lady who at first glance appeared to be preparing food . The correct description for the photo was that she was processing asbestos teasing out the fibres without wearing any form of Personal Protective Equipment. Michael finished with new working practices that have been introduced by the Basel Convention and Hong Kong convention stating that getting these agreed has been a slow process. A thoroughly enjoyable presentation, looking at another aspect of the shipping industry.
April 2024
The April meeting evening was devoted to members DVD’s. We started with the Snowbow DVD Ships to Manchester. This port was once the nation’s fourth biggest port and in its heyday would have been full of ships. This was made possible by the construction of the Manchester Ship Canal which was completed in 1894 to enable ships from all over the world to sail right into the heart of industrial Briton. The DVD was a collection of films showed ship movements of the period and was a real maritime treat. The film enabled the meeting to watch ship after ship sailing to and from Manchester. But as an extra, the film also followed some of the ships on their voyages after leaving the canal. These were ships that were once operated by shipping companies such as Harrison Line, Manchester Liners, Clan Line and Furness Withy. The second DVD was the Port of London Waters of Time which was filmed in 1951 and showing shipping of the period and followed the arrival of the Highland Princess into the port and her eventual departure after being worked in the dock.
February 2024
Many thanks to Alan Pepper for stepping in at short notice when the intended February presentation was not available. Alan’s presentation was a draft of a show intended for a non-ship enthusiast audience, in this case a local church. It aims to remind the audience that merchant ships still exist and the important role they play. Container ships, bulk carriers, oil and LNG tankers, car carriers and cruise ships were shown to illustrate the changes that have taken place in our lifetime. The Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth transatlantic liners were included as these ships would be known to most in the prospective audience. We are often asked to speak general audiences and the feedback from branch members was most useful.