Haven Ports April 2024

JamesBranch News

April 2024

The branch is operating on basically a bi-Monthly program for 2024.

Our February meeting was via Zoom due to the usual worries about unreliable weather.
Steve Thomas showed images from Gibraltar taken in 2023. He presented a well researched show
which prompted comments and discussion for most images. We were joined by branch member
Tony Millat from Mersea who cannot get to physical meetings, so zoom provides contact with other
branch members. David Berg from Mid-Essex branch also attended.

April’s meeting was held at our new venue Felixstowe Museum at Landguard, Thanks to branch
member Colin Tod for arranging this. Our first meeting proved the suitability of the venue.
April’s presentation was titled Accidents and Incidents by Neil Davidson. Neil had gathered images
and video clips from the internet, from well known and not so well known mishaps. We saw
collisions and cranes being knocked over amongst other incidents. Well done Neil for such an
interesting insight to when things go wrong. We were joined by guest Stephen Page who enjoyed
the show.

Our next meeting is 13th June at the Felixstowe Museum.