Bedford Branch – September

James KnowlesBranch News


The September presentation given by member Edward Parry  was somewhat different to the normal detailed ship reviews – it was a selection of video clips which covered many aspects of the merchant navy from years ago port ports from around the world.. In brief these  included

•Liverpool Sea School training cadets in 1964(Blue Funnel line) 

•OCL Containership Ships – Liverpool Bay class ships on passage around the world 

•London – Thames & Royal docks visit from Tower Bridge 

•Blue Funnel Memories – from 60 – 70 – 80 tracing the progress of Capt. Mike Harrison from Middy to Captain and the ships he sailed on 

•Building a Type 45 Destroyer D33 – HMS Dauntless 

•Singapore Port – it’s development from the beginning up to the 1950’s 

•A view of Liverpool docks from the mid-19th century up to the 1950’s

 The second half of the evening was a review of a 2308 mile road trip undertaken by Edward and his wife in 2023 to northern Spain(Picos mountains) staying in some wonderful state owned Paradours , then driving over the Pyrenees mountains and back up through France . We sailed on Brittany Ferries MV GALCIA from Portsmouth to Bilboa (Biscay was flat calm all the way) and returned from Saint Malo back to Portsmouth on BRETAGNE. A great “bucket list” trip..