Bedford Branch May 2024

JamesBranch News

May 2024

Michael Galley gave an insight into the world of international shipbreaking  at his presentation  for the May meeting. Staring with an overview of the history world shipbreaking  then concentration on the main sites currently breaking up ships. In India and Pakistan  ships are run ashore on gently sloping sand tidal beaches at high tide so that they can be accessed for disassembly with it seems  little thought to contamination to the environment. The dangers of process were illustrated  by excellent photos. The one photo I still have in my mind was an Indian lady who at first glance appeared to be preparing food . The correct description for  the photo was that she was processing asbestos teasing out the fibres without wearing any form of Personal Protective Equipment. Michael finished with new working practices that have been introduced by the Basel Convention and Hong Kong convention stating that getting these agreed has been a slow process. A thoroughly enjoyable presentation, looking at another aspect of the shipping industry.